
Business Plans

A Business Plan is an essential road map for your success.

Our advisors will help you constitute your business goals, form and execute a tailored plan for reaching them efficiently while combining diverse measuring & optimization methods.

Competitor Analysis

A competitive analysis is a critical part of your company marketing and business strategy.

We specialize in identifying your competitors and evaluating their strengths and weaknesses relative to those of your own products or services.

Digital Marketing

Our transparent digital marketing work speaks for itself. We deliver a personal, passionate & tailored service to each and every one of our clients, big or small.

We can assist you with executing, measuring and optimizing your strategy to ensure optimal results.

Conversion Optimization

We take Conversion rate optimization (CRO) in a scientific approach to optimize your websites and enable your business to convert more visitors into subscribers or paying customers.

We can assist any business interested in optimizing their conversion rate, we will teach your teams how to get started and how to get the best possible results from the process.

Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is essentially the process of defining your long-term strategy and making decisions on allocating your valuable resources. It will help your business determine where to spend your time, human capital, and money.

Strategic planning is a step by step process with specific objectives that can be implemented and evaluated. We strain to predict what current trends, and influence forces that will affect your business.

Retention Planning

A strong business must have a proactive, well-planned approach to customer retention and growth, yet many businesses don’t. FastForth can assist you to create a customer retention strategy using a wide range of frameworks and tools.

We will review the effectiveness of your current plan, redefine the retention and communication strategy to deliver personalized seamless, multi-channel experiences.